Kanata (かなた) was the third chimera created by Ochiai and a creation of Kunato Developments intended to aid in the fight against the Gauna. She was the younger sister of Tsumugi Shiraui, but her experimental development made her unstable. Ochiai eventually removed Kanata's personality and merged his mind into Kanata's body as part of his plan to become a "supreme being."
Personality & Character[]
Kanata has a naturally inquisitive nature. Early in her development, she navigated Sidonia's structure with ease, visiting the women's shower rooms among other places as she explored the ship. Her explorations eventually took her to the OSL Lab, where she encountered the remains of her placental mother. Unlike Tsumugi, she was not attached to Nagate, and seemed to be less intelligent than her sibling. This was likely due to an underdeveloped personality, since Ochiai intended from the start to use Kanata as his vessel.
Skills & Abilities[]
Like all chimera, Kanata had the ability to use placenta to create any organs, structures, or limbs, in any quantity she needed. She could live with some or even all of her placenta removed, as long as she had access to sufficient Heigus particles to recover with.
Like Tsumugi, she was grown on a human frame, giving her similar biological structures to humans. Eyes, ribs, legs, arms, skulls, a spine, and many other human elements were all present in Kanata, though none save her True Body were necessary for her survival. She also contained a number of organs unique to herself, including a connection to Ochiai's neencephalon device and the Gravitational Beam Emitter in her eye.
Origins & Creation[]
Kanata was born through the use of the second Placental Hoshijiro, recovered by Nagate during his rescue of Izana on Lem IX. Like the first Placental Hoshijiro, the second was used as the mother to a chimera. While Toha Heavy Industries initially was given control of the placental sample, Ochiai managed to have it transferred to his command.
Shortly after obtaining the placenta, it was used as the mother of the second chimera, Kanata. Kanata was the subject of the next generation of chimera control: the neencephalon control system. This control system allowed Ochiai (in the guise of Kunato) to impose his will and brainwaves on the chimera, rather than relying on the chimera's upbringing to control it.
Kanata was also the wielder of the first Graviton Radiation Emitter. This device, considered impossible to build with the human capabilities at the time, was finally realized through the infinite variability of Gauna placenta. Kanata was grown to house and control this weapon.
Exploring Sidonia & Losing Control[]
Kanata was a curious child, sending her placental probe wandering through Sidonia. As a test bed for the new emitter, her actions were sharply curtailed, and she was ill-prepared for the revelations awaiting her in Sidonia. After seeing her placental mother in the OSL Lab, she lost control and fired her emitter through Sidonia, piercing the outer hull. Only after a control rod was shoved through her brain was she brought back under control.
During Kanata's second outbreak, she was raised to the outer hull of Sidonia, where she began preparations to fire her emitter again. Talked down by Tsumugi, she was killed by a Toha Industries emitter fired by the Mizuki, which pierced her true body. Ochiai had prepared for this, however, and Kanata's survival revealed the existence of a second true body within the placenta. This true body housed Ochiai's consciousness, which took over Kanata's remains and escaped.
Assault on the First Assault Fleet[]
During the Large Mass Union Ship Assault, Kanata appeared and attacked the First Assault Fleet. Destroying several Tadugane warships, she was first disabled by a shot to her vulnerable eye, then hit with a direct shot from a Mass Driver Cannon. Heavily injured, she retreated to heal herself.
During the final battle inside the Lem star's danger zone, Nagate Tanikaze managed to fire into the exposed muzzle of Kanata's Gravitational Beam Emitter after narrowly dodging its blast, then finished Kanata off with a shot to the secondary True Body in her head. With the Semi-Autonomous Converter secured, the Mizuki's Gravitational Beam Emitter was able to be powered up, aimed, and fired at the Large Cluster Ship to destroy it.
Image Gallery[]
Notes & Trivia[]
Articles & References[]
Knights of Sidonia Characters | |
Sidonia | |
Gardes Pilots Nagate Tanikaze | Izana Shinatose | Shizuka Hoshijiro | Honoka Sisters | Mochikuni Akai | Hinata Momose | Kashiwade Aoki | Izumo Midorikawa | Eiko Yamano - Toutarou Yamano| Samari Ittan | Tonami | Kouichi Tsuruuchi | Ichirou Seii | Norio Kunato | Kaoru Hazama | Ryouhei Kasuga | Kujira Negi | Hamagata | Hashine | Suzuki | |
Sidonia Command Yuhata Midorikawa | Ryouko Takahashi | Ichirou Seii | Ochiai Clone | |
Immortal Ship Committee Kobayashi | Lala Hiyama | Hiroki Saitou | Yure Shinatose | Ochiai | |
ET Research Center | |
Toha Heavy Industries | |
Kunato Developments | |
Androids | |
Chimeras Tsumugi Shiraui - Kanata | |
Gauna | |
Gauna 487 | Gauna 491 | Gauna 492 | Gauna 493 | Benisuzume | Placental Hoshijiro | Ocarina | Gauna 541 | Large Mass Union Ship | Lem Gauna Wall | Lem VII Gauna | Aulos |
Knights of Sidonia | |
Anime | Season 1 (S1 compilation film) | Season 2 | Love Woven in the Stars |
Manga | Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4 | Volume 5 | Volume 6 | Volume 7 Volume 8 | Volume 9 | Volume 10 | Volume 11 | Volume 12 | Volume 13 |
Key Subjects | Sidonia | Gauna | Gardes | Technology of Sidonia | Characters of Sidonia |