Cockpit interior of a Type 16
The Type 16 is a model of Garde that was employed by the Sidonia. It saw some use during the Fourth Gauna Defensive War before the mid-war introduction of the Type 17.
Knights of Sidonia Sciences & Technologies | |
Sidonia | |
Science | |
Seed Ships | |
Support Ships & Crafts | |
Weapons Anti-Gauna Missiles | Super High Speed Ballistic Acceleration Device | Interplanetary Missile | Heavy Mass Cannon | Gatling Gun | Small Arms | |
Gardes Type 5 | Type 15 | Type 16 | Type 17 - Shiratsuki - Tsugumori | Type 18 | Tsugumori Custom | Type 19 Prototype - Type 19 | High-Cost Unit's Prototype | Tsugumori Custom 2 | Type 20 - Yukimori | |
Ochiai's Creations |