Sidonia no Kishi Wiki
Volume 1
Chapter Information
Release Information
Release Date September 23, 2009 (Japanese)
February 5, 2013 (English)
Pages 186 Pages • 5 Chapters
Chapter Guide
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Chapters and Volumes

The First Volume of Knights of Sidonia was released on September 23rd, 2009 by Kodansha, and on February 5th, 2013 by Vertical Comics.



Outer space, the far future.

A lone seed ship, the Sidonia, plies the void, ten centuries since the obliteration of the solar system. The massive, nearly indestructible, yet barely sentient alien life forms that destroyed humanity’s home world continue to pose an existential threat.

Nagate Tanikaze has only known life in the vessel’s bowels deep below the sparkling strata where humans have achieved photosynthesis and new genders. Not long after he emerges from the Underground, however, the youth is bequeathed a treasured legacy by the spaceship’s coolheaded female captain.


  1. Tanikaze Nagate's Choice (谷風長道の選択 Tanikaze Nagate no Sentaku)
  2. Tanikaze Nagate's First Sortie (谷風長道の初陣 Tanikaze Nagate no Uijin)
  3. Yamano Eiko's Starry Sky (山野栄子の星空 Yamano Eiko no Hoshizora)
  4. Kunato Norio's Rage (岐神海苔夫の激昂 Kunato Norio no Gekikō)
  5. Akai Mochikuni's Glory (赤井持国の栄光 Akai Mochikuni no Eikō)